Thursday, September 20, 2007


Here are the books I found useful for class (to buy, go to my Amazon Store)!

The Visual Dictionary of Physics, Jack Challoner (1995, Dorling Kindersley)

Eyewitness Science Explorer, David Burnie et al. (2004, Dorling Kindersley)

The Usborne Big Book of Experiments, Alastair Smith (1996, Scholastic)

An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming Adapted for a New Generation from the New York Times Bestseller, Al Gore (2007, Viking)

Wheels at Work, Bernie Zubroski (1986, William Morrow)

Energy (book and kit: solar racer, supercapacitor car, flywheel generator, your own battery, electric car), Penny Norman (2001, Science Wiz)

The Solar Car Book: A Complete Do-It-Yourself Solar Car Kit including All the Parts, Instructions and Pain-Free Science, (2001, Klutz)

Wind Energy Basics: A Guide to Small and Micro Wind Systems, Paul Gipe

Wind Crafts, Ute and Tilman Michalski (1990, Children’s Press)

The Wind at Work: An Activity Guide to Windmills, Gretchen Woelfle (1997, Chicago Review Press)

Wind Toys That Spin, Sing, Twirl & Whirl: Wind Cimes, Windsocks, Banners, Whirligigs, Mobiles, Wind Vanes, Cindy Burda (1999, Sterling Publishing)

Water Projects, John Williams (1998, Raintree Steck-Vaughn)

Mill, David Macaulay (1989, Houghton Mifflin)

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